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Together in Prayer

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Jun, 2020 03:51 PM

Across the Diocese we came together for a day of prayer as part of Thy Kingdom Come.

With coronavirus preventing our Diocese joining together at the Cathedral to celebrate the annual global wave of prayer, instead we joined together online to pray.

Thy Kingdom Come is the global wave of prayer that takes place in May, and this year it focussed on prayer and care in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Here in this Diocese we created a special virtual event that united us all Together in Prayer on Sunday May 31st – the Day of Pentecost.

As well as all the various online Pentecost services, families and individuals prayed for a few minutes, for an hour, or even longer, and together we created 24 hours of constant prayer across our Diocese.

Here are just a couple of ways we came Together in Prayer:

In Portland and Weymouth, a 24-hour “Prayer and Praise” session on Zoom also gave churchgoers and the wider public a chance to bring TKC 2020 to a resounding conclusion as part of our Diocesan Together in Prayer Day.

In West Moors, the Vicar of St Mary's, Andy Muckle, came up with the idea of producing a West Moors Book of Prayers that his community and others could use, not just on Sunday 31st of May, but whenever they wanted to pray for others.

Andy invited people to send him either their favourite prayer or even write one for the occasion, and he put them together in the West Moors Book of Prayers, which you can read here.

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