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Together in Prayer

by Michael Ford last modified 15 May, 2020 05:18 PM

On May 31st we will be Together in Prayer as a Diocese.

As part of Thy Kingdom Come, the 10 day global wave of prayer that starts on May 21st, we are inviting you to pray.

You can do this alone, with your family at home or with your wider family or church via social media or Zoom.

There are lots of ways to do this and over the next couple of weeks we will be featuring some of them.

Over in West Moors, Dorset, the Revd Andy Muckle is inviting his community to help create a 'West Moors Book of Prayers' that they can use to join in our Diocesan ‘Together in Prayer’:

"The invitation is to either write a prayer and email it to me, or if you have a favourite prayer – I will put together our Book of Prayers."

You might like to use one of the resources suggested by the Thy Kingdom Come Team here.

As a family you can use the Family Prayer Adventure podcasts, not just on the 31st but every day during Thy Kingdom Come.

The podcasts are a fun and engaging way to help families pray together.

There is one following each daily theme of Thy Kingdom Come, and they are about 10-12 minutes long. They feature a game, an interactive Bible story (written and performed by folks like Bob Hartman), a chance to pray and great music.

You can print the Family Prayer Adventure Map and even download a special augmented reality app to bring the map to life!

Click here for more details.

But you also might like to join with churches throughout the region as part of the South West Prays event.

Details here.

Mark Pugh, Lead Pastor of the Rediscover Church in Exeter that is organising the event says:

"Our desire is as wide a representation of the church in the South West as possible. We have also added in a couple of sung worship moments which will be produced by a collaboration from a range of churches across the South West."

The national resources also feature a proposal to Light Up your Town or Village in Prayer and we want to encourage the lighting of candles in windows and gardens in the evening.

We would also like you to share your prayer activity through pictures and words on social media tagging in the Diocese of Salisbury. In this way, we can have a continuous feed of our gathered prayer across the Diocese across the day.

You can then add your contributions to others.

This global wave of prayer that takes place every year in May is focussing this year on prayer and care in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

In previous years, the Cathedral has hosted a beacon event on Pentecost Sunday: sadly, the current crisis means that this year’s planned service has had to be postponed.

So instead, we want to create a virtual Diocese-wide event and invite people to join us in prayer throughout the day. “Come, Holy Spirit” is among the best prayers we can pray – and you may like to give your online Pentecost services a particularly prayerful focus, or to organise additional events, vigils, or encouragements to pray.

We would also like you to share your prayer activity through pictures and words on social media tagging in the Diocese of Salisbury. In this way, we can have a continuous feed of our gathered prayer across the Diocese across the day.

You can then add your contributions to others.

During Thy Kingdom Come, which covers the nine days from Ascension Day (21st of May) to Pentecost (31st of May), the Cathedral’s daily reflections on YouTube will have a Thy Kingdom Come focus, as will online communications from our bishops.

Together in Prayer- Prayer and Care

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