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Together in Prayer

by Michael Ford last modified 07 May, 2020 05:18 PM

With coronavirus preventing our Diocese joining together at the Cathedral to celebrate the annual global wave of prayer, we are going to join together online to pray.

Thy Kingdom Come is the global wave of prayer that takes place in May, and this year it is focussing on prayer and care in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

And here in this Diocese we want to create a special virtual event that unites us all Together in Prayer, and so we are inviting our churches and communities to share in praying together on Sunday May 31st – the Day of Pentecost.

In previous years, the Cathedral has hosted a beacon event on Pentecost Sunday but, with that cancelled because of the lockdown, we are hoping that Together in Prayer as our virtual Diocese-wide will be a new beacon.

As well as all the various online Pentecost services on the Sunday we are inviting families and individuals to pray, for a few minutes, for an hour or even longer and together we can create 24 hours of constant prayer across our Diocese.

This year, Thy Kingdom Come (which runs from Ascension Day on May 21st to Pentecost on May 31st) is 10 days when Christians are encouraged to pray for friends and family, colleagues and neighbours.

During the 10 days the Cathedral will be dedicating their online Daily Reflections to Thy Kingdom Come, as will Bishop Andrew through 'Going to Ground'.

The Church of England has provided a range of resources to help you pray, from a prayer map and diary to a proposal to Light Up your Town or Village in Prayer, and we want to encourage the lighting of candles in windows and gardens on the Sunday evening.

But whatever you decide to do, we want to know about it so we can start to build up a picture of what Together in Prayer across our Diocese will look like.

And then we want you to share your prayer activity through pictures and words on social media tagging in the Diocese of Salisbury.

Over the next couple of weeks we will be posting ideas of how you might like to get involved. But maybe you could organise a prayer tree or host a live-streamed prayer event.

The possibilities are endless.

More information on Thy Kingdom Come and the resources, here.

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