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Tipping Point for the world's poorest

by Michael Ford last modified 15 May, 2020 01:38 PM

A new report, 'Tipping Point: how the Covid-19 pandemic could push the world’s poorest to the edge of survival', is being published in Christian Aid Week.

Among those countries that are in danger is South Sudan, which is the "3rd most vulnerable country to Covid impacts" according to the Charity.

The report says:

"This young nation has long been gripped by a humanitarian crisis driven by years of protracted conflict. Nearly 2 million civilians are internally displaced, 6 million are facing face starvation, and three quarters of the population have no access to healthcare.

"The country has just 4 ventilators. Existing humanitarian work is under threat and aid workers have seen a backlash since the coronavirus pandemic began. What is needed: Humanitarian funds to frontline, local NGOs must increase to combat food insecurity and hunger, and access for aid workers must be guaranteed"

"This pandemic, and the fallout from the response, are the biggest economic, social and political crises since the Second World War. We face the biggest challenge of our generation. Without bold choices and urgent action – at all levels – the outbreak will snowball into a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions, with the poorest and most vulnerable bearing the brunt, as always. We must act now and act together. We must turn back from the tipping point, while there is still time to do so."

The report has a foreward by former Prime Minster Gordon Brown, who says:

“75 years after VE Day, it is more critical than ever that in another global crisis we rediscover how we can work together to make this world a safer, more connected and a far fairer place.

“Today we face a global medical emergency, and we cannot end the coronavirus pandemic unless it is eradicated in every continent.

“As governments around the world struggle to find their way through the crisis, and multilateral organisations find it difficult to forge a coordinated global response, Christian Aid is filling a gap: its concern is for the most marginalised people living in extreme poverty and inequality, exacerbated by Covid-19.

“In providing health care, creating jobs, defending human rights and delivering humanitarian aid, Christian Aid is making a difference. It needs your help to continue to do so.”

The report highlights a trio of potential tipping points that require urgent attention - health, economic and humanitarian - and looks at the Covid-19 crisis through the lens of 4 contexts: Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Gaza, and the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.

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