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Home News 'Thy Kingdom Come' around the World

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'Thy Kingdom Come' around the World

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Jun, 2020 04:39 PM

The Thy Kingdom Come team has released a video which provides a brief snapshot of TKC activity worldwide.

In almost every country on Earth (170 out of 195), people took part in this year's global wave of prayer at the end of May.

With most countries in lockdown and with our churches closed to public worship, many of the prayers took place online.

And here in this Diocese, we certainly joined in.

Our Together In Prayer initiative on the 31st of May saw the Diocese join together to pray in a myriad of ways.

These included 24-7 Prayer, Community Prayer Trees, Books of Prayers and the lighting of Prayer Candles both physically and virtually.

You can see a video of how the rest of the world joined in, here

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