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Home News Through Their Eyes: Passiontide 2021

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Through Their Eyes: Passiontide 2021

by Michael Ford last modified 26 Mar, 2021 11:27 PM

St Peter’s Parkstone has filmed 4 dramatic monologues (5-10 minutes in length) for Holy Week, also known as Passiontide.

Members of The Poole Passion have been collaborating with the Revd Mike Trotman, Rector of St Peter’s, Parkstone, Richard McLester and Sam Trotman to produce monologues from 4 of the main participants in the Passion of Christ which forms part of this year’s Holy Week within the parish.

In the short presentations, the viewer will hear from Mary the mother of Christ, Judas, Pilate, and finally Jesus himself.

Presented on YouTube by St Peter’s on consecutive days from 8.00 am beginning Wednesday 31st March, the story of their connection to Jesus will be told from the individual’s viewpoint, culminating with the importance of ‘Love’, Jesus’ greatest commandment.

Although the monologues have been written especially for this Holy Week and are not taken from The Poole Passion play, the actors have all appeared in previous productions of 'Through the Eyes of a Child' by Sharon Muiruri Coyne. Ann Balaam has played Mary since 2014 but took over as Artistic Director in 2019 when rehearsals for her new play, 'Footsteps, commenced. Sadly, the 2020 production was postponed due to Covid-19 but will hopefully be performed in Easter 2022.

The monologues will be shared via YouTube and Facebook from 8.00 am each day.

Wednesday (31st March): Through Mary’s Eyes
Maundy Thursday (1st April): Through Judas’s Eyes
Good Friday (2nd April): Through Pilate’s Eyes
Holy Saturday (3rd April): Through Jesus’ Eyes

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