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Through the Window

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Mar, 2021 10:04 PM

A Lent resource from Wareham's Revd Hilary Bond is proving inspirational.

'Through the Window' was made available online initially, and has been taken a step further in the Stour Vale Benefice. Barbara Priest (LLM in training) has been following the course by filming a weekly video on her mobile phone for the Benefice Facebook page.

She says:

“I came across Through the Window on the Diocesan website and thought it was a lovely way for people who are currently unable to get outside to connect with nature and the wonder of creation around us.

"I then had the idea of working through the course with everyone using a short film each week. We introduce the point of focus, share the course reflections and then end with a poem I have selected on that week’s theme.

"So far we have pondered on the trees in the Vicarage garden, the stunning daffodils and our garden birds.

“Bird week has been the greatest challenge so far as the group gathered on the feeders turned out to be rather camera-shy and took cover as soon as I appeared. But they didn’t go far and provided a suitable musical soundtrack to our reflections.”

“After living St Benedict’s 'continuous Lent' over the last 12 months I thought it would be good for us all to share in this Spring season which is so full of hope and new life bursting around us. It seemed an appropriate journey to make towards Easter.

"The videos are very much homemade but I hope everyone is enjoying travelling Through the Window with me each week.”

The videos can be found here.

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