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They need your help now!

by Michael Ford last modified 24 Jul, 2020 05:06 PM

The news from the Sudans is not good - more than 9.6m men women and children are at risk of starving in Sudan alone.

This means the money we are raising through our Emergency Appeal is needed more than ever, and we are running out of time.

You can give here.

News from Radio Dabanga in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, has reported that the country's inflation rate surged to 136.36 per cent in June, leaving a quarter of the Sudanese population severely food-insecure.

The dramatic rise, the highest ever recorded, is being blamed on the ongoing economic and political crises which have been exacerbated by the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.

International agencies say that more than 9.6 million people are in need of urgent assistance, an increase of 65 per cent compared with the same period (June to September) last year.

Around 2.2 million people are facing emergency levels of acute food insecurity and around 7.4 million people are classified as having acute food insecurity.

Another 15.9 million people are estimated to be under severe stress, and additional shock could push them to severe levels of hunger.

Bishop Nicholas launched our Sudans Emergency Appeal at the start of this month, but with only half of the £50,000 he wanted the Diocese to raise pledged, time is running out.

Inflation puts the prices of all components of the Food and Beverages group, especially the prices of bread and grains, meat, fats, oils and legumes, fresh milk and other dairy goods out of reach of some of the poorest in the country.

The prices in the Transportation and Fuel group and the Housing group increased as well, because of the soaring prices of fuel, cooking gas, charcoal, firewood, and cement.

Almost all 18 Sudanese states registered dramatically increased gaps in food consumption compared with 2019. The situation is especially concerning in North Kordofan, with an increase of 335 per cent of the number of severe food-insecure people, and El Gezira, with an increase of more than 200 per cent.

If you haven't given yet, or could spare some more, please go to

And thank you for your generosity.

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