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Home News The World in Safe Hands?

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The World in Safe Hands?

by Michael Ford last modified 19 Feb, 2019 12:22 AM

Over 100 people from across the Blackmore Vale Deanery came out on a blustery snow-promised January afternoon to listen to Bishop Nicholas talk on the title ‘The world in safe hands?’

The Revd Lydia Cook, Rector of the Okeford Benefice said: 
“The Bishop spoke compellingly, eruditely and accessibly about the environment and climate change.

 “He spoke about the scientific, political and religious consensus that exists around the issue and how this should be a cause for some hope in what can feel an overwhelming problem.

“He challenged the room to think about what can be done locally and what we as Christians can do that is distinctive.

“While not everyone had picked up that the Diocese is the first Eco Diocese, there was a strong desire for a lead from the Diocese, and a commitment to working in partnership and as churches in the local area. Watch this space for the first Eco Deanery!”

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