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The Village Pump

by Michael Ford last modified 13 Jul, 2021 02:38 PM

A new informal monthly meeting will be an opportunity for rural clergy and laity to meet to share ideas and concerns about rural life, the church and its outreach, hosted by the Rural Field Officer for Dorset.

A Rural Gathering,

1st Saturday of every month,

9.00am -10.30am via Zoom,

Canon Richard Hancock, Rural Field Officer for Dorset, says:

"Traditionally, village pumps and wells were a meeting place where information and ideas were often exchanged. They were also places of refreshment and renewal. We hope this will be a safe place where we can share the ups and downs of rural life and support each other in God’s work.

"We hope to invite interesting guests from time to time, to share their ideas and experience of the rural church.

"If you can’t stay for the whole time, just join us when and for however long you can."

The session runs from 9.00am to 10.30am.

Flyer here.

To join in, please email Richard via and he will send you the Zoom link.

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