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Home News The Revd Beth Brown

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The Revd Beth Brown

by glynch last modified 07 Mar, 2018 05:21 PM

It is with the deepest sadness we announce the death of the Revd Beth Brown, Associate Priest in the Cannings and Redhorn Benefice

It is with great regret that we announce that the Revd Beth Brown died peacefully on 28 February in the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. Beth had been in the John Radcliffe since 23 December, when she was taken there with severe multiple injuries following a car accident. The Diocese would of Salisbury like to pay tribute to the great care and attention paid to Beth by the hospital staff.  

Following a career in teaching, and then theological studies at Trinity College, Bristol, Beth was made deacon in Wells cathedral in 1995 and ordained priest in 1996. She served her curacy in Taunton before holding parochial posts in Bath and Swindon. Beth came to this diocese in June 2015 as an Associate Priest in the Cannings and Redhorn benefice. 

Bishop Nicholas said, “It has been a tough period of waiting since the serious accident. We give thanks for Beth, for her life and work, and remember her and her family in our prayers. May she rest in peace. 

“For much of her time with us, Beth was helping to look after the benefice while it was in vacancy and looking forward to working with the recently appointed Team Rector. She had made excellent links with Bishop’s Cannings C of E Primary School, where she was a governor, and had plans to develop the pastoral and healing ministries in the benefice. We do and will miss her.

Beth is survived by an extended family of which she was a much loved member, including her father, by her sister Katrina and brother-in-law Doug, her nieces and their children. Her dog Cariad (Welsh for ‘darling’) was her constant companion who was was well known around the parish and visited her in hospital. 

Details of Beth’s funeral will be published on the website and in the e-bulletin once they are finalised.


The Funeral Service for the late Revd Beth Brown will take place on Saturday 17 March 2018 at 12.30 pm at St Mary’s, Bishop’s Cannings. Refreshments will be provided after the Service at Bishop’s Cannings School, to which all are welcome.

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