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Home News The Queen's Green Canopy

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The Queen's Green Canopy

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Mar, 2022 05:13 PM

You may remember that some weeks ago we shared news of St Barnabas Church in Beanacre taking part in the Queen's Green Canopy... well now they have planted a whopping 590 trees!

Below is the original story - who'd have thought this would lead to so many trees, so quickly.

As part of the Platinum Jubilee 2022, the Woodland Trust has launched a scheme called "The Queen's Green Canopy". The aim is to plant and map three million trees throughout the UK, a brilliant opportunity to take care of our environment.

St Barnabas Church in Beanacre have decided to take part in this initiative, and will be planting hundreds of trees! Their existing cricket field is set to be re-established and surrounded by areas of wilderness, which these trees will help to form. 

The church has already acquired 240 baby trees, called whips, ready for their special tree planting day on 12 March, close to the end of tree planting season, which is October – March. They have invited people to bring their wellies, a spade, and enthusiasm, and are also currently fundraising for more trees, for which they have plenty of space. 

It is hoped that The Queen's Green Canopy will leave a legacy of sustainably sourced and planted trees for future generations. To find out more about St Barnabas Church tree planting click here, or see here for more information on the initiative from The Woodland Trust. 

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