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The light always overcomes the darkness

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Apr, 2020 07:18 PM

"Be strong, my friends. Take good care. Keep well, Keep safe and Keep smiling!"

The light always overcomes the darkness

Image courtesy Pexels

That is how our Diocesan MU President signs off her Easter message to the membership.

In the letter Rosie Stiven tells them:

"This is a strange and surreal time! Who could have imagined, as we were enjoying Christmas, that we would be facing an Easter ‘lock-down’ deprived of close contact with family and friends. And for how much longer – who knows?"

She also refers to to last Thursday "when as a nation, we came together and applauded the NHS."

Read the letter here 

She says:

"It was uplifting – there was recognition and thanks – but more importantly, there was HOPE. The light always overcomes the darkness."

She continues:

"As Good Friday comes, as it surely will, let us be mindful of Christ’s horrific torture and death, as so many throughout the world continue to suffer and to die today in terrible circumstances. And in the loneliness and desolation after that first Good Friday, let us be mindful of all those coping today with loneliness and desolation throughout the world."

"Perhaps, weather permitting, late on Holy Saturday night, when I would normally be heading off to sing in the choir of St Mary and St Nicholas Church in Wilton for the first Service of Easter, I will, instead, light a little fire in my garden, take a new, white candle, light it from the fire and bring the lighted candle into my home.

"The light of Christ – Thanks be to God!

"No doubt the neighbours will think I’ve gone completely daft – but then, they’re used to me!

"In the certainty of the risen Christ on that first, glorious Easter morning, let us be Confident that we will overcome this pandemic; let us be Confident that the light of Christ will illuminate our world and let us be full of HOPE that we, the people of the world, will emerge from all of this, more compassionate, more loving, and more appreciative of one another."

Read the whole letter here.

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