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The Lady takes action

by Michael Ford last modified 26 Mar, 2021 11:26 PM

If you go down to the eco-aware Priory Church of St Mary in Wareham today, a new addition will catch your eye.

There is a bright yellow homemade banner across the front of the church that says 'back the climate and ecological emergency bill.'

The Revd Hilary Bond explains:

"The bill was put before Parliament last September, and is an attempt to encourage our government to actually fulfil the promises that they have already made in respect of taking care of the Earth that we as Christians believe that God made and gave to us to look after.

"The banner, which weather permitting will be there until the end of Sunday, is a statement that our church believes taking care of the natural environment not only matters, but is an integral part of the expression of our Christian faith. This is not us saying that we've got it right by any stretch of the imagination; as a church we are right at the beginning of trying to get our ecological house in order through our commitment to EcoChurch.

"All over the country churches, individuals and other organisations are putting up similar banners this weekend. The idea is to raise the profile of the conversation: to take pictures of it, possibly pictures of yourself with it, and to send those pictures to your MP, to social media, or using any other ways that you have of sharing the message that not only do we want our government to do all that they can to protect our planet, but that as Christians we see creation care as part of our faith and are committed to doing what we can to show that through our actions and our prayer and worship."

Canon Simon Everett added:

"Having looked at the environmental crisis affecting our world in our parish Lent course this year, it seems only right to keep highlighting the issues and then actively pursing the agenda for change. If our banner highlighting the CEE Bill can make people think, it can hopefully encourage them to change and to seek change in our nation and around the world. Let us pray this is so."

The Lady takes action- church frontage

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