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Home News 'The Journey of Faith': Dates for your diary

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'The Journey of Faith': Dates for your diary

by Michael Ford last modified 19 Mar, 2021 07:14 PM

Following on from the success of our 'Celebrating the Rural Seasons' webinars, the Rural Hope team is delighted to announce our new Spring/ Summer webinar series.

Under the theme of Journey of Faith, these webinars aim to provide you with lots of ideas and advice on how to attract and disciple new worshippers and then support them as they grow in faith.  As we emerge from lockdown, we will also be looking at the role of the church in our communities and the changes in church culture as we move towards more collaborative ministry.

Each webinar will be hosted by members of the Rural Hope team, plus colleagues from our Board of Education, and feature guest speakers (including Bishops Karen and Andrew) with in-depth experience of their topics. 

As always, there will be plenty of time for audience engagement and take-aways to use in your local contexts.

Application details will be circulated closer to the time, but please add the following dates to your diaries now so as not to miss out!

30 April
10.30am –

Growing Faith

Canon Jonathan Triffitt, Diocesan Director of Mission, Ministry & Comms
Revd Mary Hawes, National Going for Growth Advisor

18 May
10am –

Faith Sharing

Revd Dr Hannah Steele, Director of St Mellitus College and author of ‘Living His Story’
Revd Chris Tebbutt, Archbishop’s College of Evangelists
Revd Andy Gray, Faith Sharing Enabler, Bath & Wells

26 May
7.30pm –

Being Followers of Christ

Dr Nick Shepherd, Programme Director for Setting God's People Free
Others TBA

24 June
7pm –

Church at the Heart of the Community

Bishop Andrew
Becky Payne, The Heritage Alliance
George Streatfeild, Farmer, Churchwarden & High Sherriff of Dorset 2020-2021

1 July
7.30pm –

Culture Change

Bishop Karen
Bishop Chris Goldsmith, National Director of Ministry
Carrie Myers, National Lay Ministries Officer

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