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The impossible made possible

by Michael Ford last modified 21 May, 2019 05:59 PM

When Samuel Benjamin, 24, arrived at St Hugh’s Church in Northolt three years ago as one of London’s first youth apprentices, he was 'shocked'.

"There was one girl, about 10 years old, and everyone else was 70 or 60," he says. "There was no youth budget, youth worker or youth ministry. I realised I was starting from scratch."

For the first 18 months it seemed that little changed. Samuel and four young people from a Bible study group played football on the local estate and got to know local youngsters. Relationships were built.

He followed this up with a Youth Alpha course, a Saturday youth group and encouraging young people to take part in services. Today, three years on, 25-30 people come to the youth group, 10-12 attend Sunday services, and many more still kick a football about together in the nearby park.

"I’m extremely satisfied," says Samuel, "but hungry to see more. I wouldn’t say that people are searching for God, but God is searching for them. It’s a small, insignificant church, but God seems to be doing so much here. I want to encourage people who feel small and insignificant. I believe God is looking for them, to make them big and bless them."

"The fact that the impossible was made possible for me has put a hunger in my heart to bring that message to young people that what you think is impossible, is possible through the love of God. My dad turned his life around and came to faith before he died."

Full story here

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