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Home News The fête of the local church

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The fête of the local church

by Michael Ford last modified 07 Oct, 2021 10:05 PM

There’s a growing buzz about the monthly Village Pump sessions run by Rural Field Officer Richard Hancock, and one small church has more than doubled its revenue from the annual fête.

The Revd Jo Lacy-Smith, based in the Dorchester and the Winterbournes Team, has sent us a follow-up story to the one she sent us last week. (Read it here.)

Jo says:

“Two years ago, our church made the usual £1300 at our church fête. This year we made £3000!

“This was because many things came together. We were offered a paddock and children’s play area, and attending the Village Pump gave me the confidence to say yes, even though I didn’t have a clue how we were going to manage.

“We are a very small congregation - after lockdowns, there are seven of us - and only three active members including myself. And yet we went for it! We contacted other people who lived around the church and, over four months, a community has built up around us.

“Attending the Village Pump has been crucial. It has given me the confidence that my ideas and ambitions for our little church are not way off the mark.

“All the Rural Field Officers know what they are talking about, they listen, accept, and have never said no. They have shared from their own experience and are now providing me with support, as this community seems to be growing very fast!”

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