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Home News The East Window of All Saints, Norton Bavant

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The East Window of All Saints, Norton Bavant

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Mar, 2022 04:35 PM

As you arrive at All Saints, Norton Bavant, you will be greeted with the newly restored East Window that shows the crucifixion.

However, it is unusual for a depiction of the Crucifixion in stained glass to include the two robbers either side of the figure of Christ. The artist appears to be following the account in Luke, where one criminal rebukes him and turns his face away, but the other turns to Jesus, saying “Remember me when you come into your kingdom”. 

Hilary, the PCC Secretary explains, 

“In 2015, due to a very generous bequest in the will of the late Gordon Webb, the PCC were able to undertake a project of refurbishment at All Saints. This included new lighting and the restoration and cleaning of the East Window, which was carried out by Salisbury Cathedral Glass. Lighting the widow from the inside provides us with a wonderful view of the window in all it’s glory. Roger Hammond has kindly photographed this beautiful portrayal of the Crucifixion for us to share with you. 

The East Window of All Saints, Norton Bavant was commissioned in memory of Lucy Harriet Fane who died on 5 April, 1845, aged 39. The inscription reads “To the glory of GOD! And in memory of Lucy Harriet Fane daughter of John Benet Esq of this place; heiress of Boyton, Norton and Pythouse, erected by her children.” 

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