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Home News The DBE Leadership Conference 2022

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The DBE Leadership Conference 2022

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Mar, 2022 04:13 PM

We are looking forward to the DBE leadership conference, 26 May 2022 at the Guildhall, Salisbury. It will bring together clergy and school leaders to consider their work in serving children, young people, and the communities to which they belong.

In our national vision as the Church of England, we are encouraged to become younger and more diverse; as we shape our future vision and strategy as a diocese, this is going to be really important! 

This will be the first time the Diocese of Salisbury has hosted a joint Church and School Leaders Conference and we are genuinely excited at the prospect of bringing together church and school leaders as we explore the theme of Sustaining Vision – Spiritual Flourishing’. 

Confirmed speakers for the day are:  

  • The Revd Steve Chalke MBE founder of Oasis who will be exploring the development of ‘spiritual capital’ in the local community, and the potential of the church and school partnership.   

  • Sonia Thompson Head teacher and Director of St Matthew’s Research School, Birmingham who will explore ‘standing in the gap’ – embedding vision through church, school and home.  

  • Andy Wolfe Deputy Chief Education Officer who will be focussing on ‘sustaining vision as a leader and the ecology of flourishing’.  

  • Lucy Moore Head of the Growing Faith Foundation who will give an overview of the work and aspiration of the Growing Faith Foundation   

Highlighting the significance of this conference Bishop Karen writes, 

This is an exciting opportunity for local church and school leaders to come together around the important topic of spiritual flourishing. School communities and church congregations both have a significant part to play in the shaping of good local community, whether in our towns, villages or urban conurbations and this Conference will provide an opportunity to explore the landscape and to consider how our vision for those communities to be spiritually healthy, flourishing, generous and hospitable can be sustained.  We have some excellent speakers, and I would encourage you to sign up quickly to secure your place."

By the end of the day, it is our hope that:  

  • school leaders will have developed a deeper understanding and gained practical tools to enable you to embed your understanding of SIAMS and your school’s Christian vision.  

  • church leaders will have developed a deeper understanding of the opportunities that exist in collaboration with school leaders to shape and impact the mission of the local church 

  • School and church leaders will have generated thinking and learning together that will inform their future working enabling schools and churches to live out God’s transforming presence  

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