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The camels are back!

by Michael Ford last modified 04 Sep, 2021 12:02 AM

This Sunday, you can see them in Salisbury, have fun at a Family Fete and help save lives in the Sudans.

The camels are back!

Original photo by Gerry Lynch

The Bishop’s Fete in aid of the Salisbury Sudan Medical Link is a great family day out and has become, pandemic permitting, an annual fixture.

It takes place this year, as always, in the beautiful Bishop’s Garden at the South Canonry, 71 The Cathedral Close, on Sunday 5th September between 2.00pm and 5.00pm.

The money raised adds to contributions given by people across the Diocese of Salisbury to the Medical Link. Money which is badly needed. Most of the medications supplied directly combat malaria which is the major cause of the extremely high child mortality rate.

The world's newest country, South Sudan is struggling to emerge from decades of civil wars which have severely damaged the country’s infrastructure. Few Sudanese have had more than the most basic education, so the Medical Link trains health workers - and particularly midwives, to address the distressing level of maternal mortality which often leaves a trail of motherless infants in its wake.

In such a huge country, nearly five times the size of England, travel is difficult with no bus services between villages. To get medical help, people often walk for half a day, or get put on the back of a bike to go to the nearest clinics which are supported by the Anglican Church.

So the Fete helps to save lives, and as well as this it provides a great afternoon out in beautiful surroundings. There will be stalls selling bric-a-brac, books and DVDs, plants, homemade cakes, preserves, teas to the accompaniment of the Navy Larks Choir and the Amesbury Town band, tombola, games and a raffle.

And, of course, the splendid camels!

All of the ingredients for a great afternoon out but for a very worthy cause.

For more information, contact Irving Samwell via .

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