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Home News The Big Sleep 2020

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The Big Sleep 2020

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Feb, 2020 04:27 PM

200 fundraisers swapped the comfort of their own beds and bedded down for the night at Salisbury Cathedral on Friday night to raise funds and awareness for local Christian charity Alabaré.

This was the 14th time the homeless charity has hosted the Big Sleep event which raises vital funds for their work with the homeless and vulnerable within the local community.

The evening saw support from a number of local schools including Godolphin, Stonehenge, and St Joseph’s, who braved the event despite the cold and damp conditions.

Rebecca Mullen, Alabaré’s Fundraising and Development manager said:

“We are incredibly grateful for the people of Salisbury coming out to join us for our 14th BIG Sleep event at Salisbury Cathedral.

“The devastating consequences of those facing homelessness becomes all too stark in the current weather conditions, so raising funds and awareness becomes even more important. We would like to say a huge thank you to all of those who took part and the local businesses who support the event.”

The Big Sleep 2020- a night in the Cloisters

Since 1991, Alabaré Christian Care and Support has been working with people facing disadvantage through homelessness, mental ill-health, learning disability or a combination of these. Alabaré provides housing and personalised support based on the individual needs and aspirations of each person, tackling underlying causes and giving them the skills and confidence to move forward with their lives.

The Big Sleep is one of the key fundraising events of the year for the charity and, as well as schools, there was also support from local corporates including the Radian Group and Aspire Defence Ltd.

The Big Sleep 2020- mascot and MP John Glen

Alabaré’s mascot with John Glen, MP for Salisbury

Catering support came on behalf of Sodexo, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Greggs and Boston Tea Party, who helped out by providing much needed refreshments and snacks for the participants as well as a welcome hot breakfast in the morning.

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