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Home News The Big Leavers Service

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The Big Leavers Service

by Michael Ford last modified 10 Jul, 2020 11:48 PM

Whether together or apart, we will be joining in to wish all school leavers the very best as they go on in their journey and ‘shine so bright’.

While the traditional leavers' services held every year at the Cathedral and Wimborne Minster can't go ahead as usual this year, this precious time for every school leaver will be celebrated virtually instead.

‘The Big Leavers Service’ was launched at 1.00 pm today and takes the form of a video ‘service’ of about 45 minutes, involving clergy and colleagues from across the diocese. There is music, singing, art and drama as RISE Theatre tell the story of The Mustard Seed.

The message includes how it is important to grow strong roots and to be grounded by our Christian values learned at school, keeping us steady in our lives as we move on.

The children and young people watching will be encouraged to be "an incredible, unique you." In a specially written prayer involving colleagues from across the diocese, they will be encouraged to “Shine so bright” as they step out along their journey.

At the end of June, the Diocesan Board of Education sent out a resources pack to support schools in their preparation for taking part. This included a craft activity to create a shield which shows some of the learning they will be taking with them on their journey, as well as a reflective activity to give time to looking at their hopes and prayers for the future.

The pack also contained a link to resources from RISE Theatre that will help in the learning of the songs and drama moves that will form a part of the virtual leavers' service.

The Big Leavers' Service included a blessing from Bishop Nicholas and an encouragement prayer filmed by clergy and colleagues at our Cathedral, Wimborne Minster and Board of Education.

Click here for the Cathedral YouTube page where the video is hosted.

The video will be available for the rest of the summer term. You will need to go via the Cathedral's main page as linked above and then select the livestream entitled 'The Big Leavers Service'.

The team is also hosting a Twitter campaign, using the hashtag #wherewereyouBIGLeaversservice2020, and would love to see pictures of children, schools, clergy and families engaging with the Big Leavers Service. , if you prefer.

We thank colleagues at The Cathedral, RISE Theatre and our Bishops and clergy across the diocese for their involvement in this project.

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