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Thank You, Wiltshire!

by glynch last modified 03 Mar, 2016 05:04 PM

County thanked for bumper response to Christian Aid malaria appeal

Wiltshire residents have been thanked for seizing an opportunity to tackle malaria in Nigeria by donating almost £30,000 to Christian Aid’s Christmas Appeal – a huge 22% increase on the previous year.

Individuals, Christian Aid groups and churches donated £29,793 to the aid appeal which closed last month (Feb 5th). Thanks to the government’s UK Aid Match scheme, the vast majority of funds will be doubled, bringing the county’s total to a remarkable £55,822.

Churches and groups from our Diocese donating significant amounts include: Salisbury’s Christian Aid Group (£1,053), Marlborough Christian Aid Group (£1,044), Trowbridge St James (£718), All Saints, Broad Chalke (£600), Salisbury Cathedral (£580) and the Parish of Calne and Blackland (£433.25).

The money will be split between tackling malaria in Nigeria where 250,000 children under the age of five die from the preventable disease each year, and the aid and development charity’s general funds, allowing it to address poverty and emergencies when and where it is most needed.

Events and fundraisers across Wiltshire included a Salisbury street collection – complete with wise men carrying extra gifts of nets, health education and malaria treatment – which raised £466, and a special service at Salisbury Cathedral where Christian Aid chief executive Loretta Minghella was joined by the Bishop of Salisbury and the Dean of Salisbury.

Salisbury Christian Aid Group chair Mary Paisey said: “The need for Christian Aid is greater than ever. I am delighted to hear how well Wiltshire responded.

“It’s heartbreaking to think of so many young children still losing their lives for the lack of a mosquito net. The money raised will not only buy nets but fund the training of community health agents to help people understand how to use them properly.

“Community Development Committees have also been set up to ensure the Nigerian government provides quality healthcare and free malaria treatments to clinics.

“Life in some the parts of the world is still incredibly precarious and Wiltshire’s response to the appeal shows how while our lives are so different  we are not turning our backs and want to help our global neighbours lift themselves out of poverty.”

Christian Aid Week 2016 runs from 15-21 May. To find out how to get involved, visit a Pre-Christian Aid Week Afternoon Tea Party on Sunday May 1st at Warminster Civic Centre, 15:00 – 17:00 where there will be tea, conversation, stalls, resources and information for Christian Aid Week or see

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