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Home News Thank you to our PSOs

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Thank you to our PSOs

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Apr, 2019 10:56 AM

Parishes are invited to say thank you to their Parish Safeguarding Officers (PSOs) at a special service at our Cathedral next month.

This is the first time the Diocese will hold a Service of Thanksgiving for the work of those involved in making our churches safe places, and the invitation has been sent out to parishes to come along.

During the service our PSOs will also renew their commitment to their work in a special recommissioning, and the service is a chance for ministry teams and members of local congregations to give thanks for the work of their PSOs.

The service, at 3pm on Saturday 4 May, will be led by Bishop Nicholas who has invited all those who wish to celebrate the work of our PSOs to the Cathedral for the service, and for tea and cake in the cloisters afterwards.

The Diocese recommends that each PCC appoints at least one PSO to work with the Vicar and the PCC to implement safeguarding policies, procedures and guidelines, and PSOs need to be a regular worshipping member of their church.

In practice our PSOs act as the day to day link person between the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor and the parish. They work with the PCC and ministry team to see that safeguarding policy, procedure and guidance is developed and available in their parish.

PSOs oversee Disclosure and Barring Service checks, and are also the first point of call, along with the priest in charge, if there are any concerns about children or adults in the parish and making sure that the proper advice is sought and that a proper referral is made.

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