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Thank You Day

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Jun, 2021 10:06 PM

Our churches have been invited to lead the way on the first national Thank You Day on Sunday 4th July, to mark the end of this phase of the pandemic, to say thank you to everyone who helped, and to look forward.

The organisers say:

"Since the idea of Thank You Day came about, we have continually considered how to make sure the day can go ahead safely. We have always been aware that the roadmap set out by Prime Minister Boris Johnson earlier this year was subject to change and knew this may have a small impact on plans for the day.

"Following the announcement of the four-week delay to the 21st June date, here are some tips to make sure your Thank You Day events and plans can go ahead safely, and a reminder of the rules.

"What are the rules on outdoor gatherings now?

"In England, until 19th July, the rules are maintained at their current level, as they have been since 17th May. These are:

  • Up to 30 people can meet outside. You do not have to social distance, but please continue to be cautious. If you are in an area where the Delta variant is spreading quickly, please continue to social distance.
  • If your event is in or with a venue (indoor or outdoor) such as a hospitality venue, sport centre, or performance space, attendance is capped according to the type of venue. Please consult with the owners to understand how many people can safely attend your event."

Tips for your planning:

  • Plan, or move your event/ activities outside. This will allow for more people to attend and lessen the risk of transmission during the event.
  • Consider having attendance slots throughout the day. If you’re planning a big event, you could introduce slots, so you only have up to maximum allowed number of people present at a time. As hosts who will be there throughout, remember to keep washing/sanitising your hands, and maintain space between you and the guests.
  • In England, Wales and Scotland, remind your attendees that they can order free lateral flow Covid-19 tests which give a result within 30 minutes. Encourage them to take one before they attend your event to check they have a negative result.
  • Encourage people to bring their own things, eg sport equipment or picnicware where possible.
  • Remember that risks for some are greater than risks for others. Be aware of this and exercise caution when meeting people who may be vulnerable.
  • Is there an online/ at home activity you can introduce to your event? This will ensure those who don’t feel comfortable attending can still take part in the day.

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