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Home News Team Rector to become a Royal Chaplain

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Team Rector to become a Royal Chaplain

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Jul, 2019 01:51 PM

The Team Rector at Dorchester and the Winterbournes is to become Chaplain of the Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy.

In a resignation letter to his parishes, the Revd Canon Thomas Woodhouse said that The Queen had approved his appointment to the role and it had been a privilege to serve in the Team Ministry at Dorchester.

"There is a variety of tasks associated with Chaplain’s work and I am thrilled to have been invited to take up this new ministry. A main focus of the work will be at the Queen’s Chapel, which has its own congregation, drawn from many walks of life.

"Another important focus will be to work closely as a member of the Duchy of Lancaster team. I will also be a Deputy Priest-in-Ordinary and a Canon of the Chapels Royal, supporting the Sub-Dean of the Chapels Royal in the exercise of his ministry.

"As a family we are looking forward to engaging with London. After 24 years ministering in Wessex and a lifetime of living in the same for Kate, Beatrice, Anne and Alice this will take some adjustment, but we are up for it!

"I have had the most encouraging ministerial colleagues and church officers in Dorchester and The Winterbournes, who have made my work fun and given me the enthusiasm to keep going! Over the summer there will be opportunities for me to say thank you for everything people have contributed to my formation as a priest and to the life of the Team, but for the time-being let us pray for one another.

"We will be moving to London later in the summer and I begin my ministry with the Duchy of Lancaster on the 1st October 2019.

"It has been a privilege to serve in the Dorchester and the Winterbournes Team Ministry."

Thomas is also one of the two Chairs of our Diocesan Synod. He represents the Clergy, with Gillian Clarke representing the Laity.

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