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Taking to the skies

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Apr, 2019 05:22 PM

South-west based veterans’ charity Alabaré are offering brave participants the opportunity to take to the skies in two incredible fundraising events to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

On Sunday 16 June, the charity will be hosting a skydive at Old Sarum Airfield near Salisbury, with all funds raised from the event going towards their Homes for Veterans service.

Amongst those scheduled to participate are Chief Constable of Wiltshire Police Kier Pritchard and Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey.

Then on Tuesday 30 July at Rendcomb Airfield, Gloucestershire there will be the thrilling opportunity to wing-walk.

Those taking part will be flown by one of the highly experienced display pilots, who are often members of the world-renowned Breitling Wingwalkers’ team, flying historic 1940s Boeing Stearman biplanes at speeds of up to 150mph. This promises to be an exhilarating event for a very worthy cause!

Laura Knight, Alabaré’s Community Engagement Officer says;

"These events promise to be thrilling fundraisers that help to provide much needed funding for our Homes for Veterans services. The participants who are taking on the challenge will help to make a real difference to the lives of ex-service personnel who have fallen on difficult times."

Alabaré Christian Care and Support is a Salisbury-based charity that provides dedicated support to veterans in Wiltshire and Dorset.

On any given night Alabaré’s Homes for Veterans, which are located throughout southern England and Wales, are able to keep over 115 veterans off the streets, making Alabaré the largest provider of supported accommodation for working age veterans outside of London.

Since 1991, Alabaré have been working with people facing disadvantage through homelessness, mental ill-health, learning disability or a combination of these. The charity provides housing and personalised support based on the individual needs and aspirations of each person, tackling underlying causes and giving them the skills and confidence to move forward with their lives.

For more information on both of these events, click here

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