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Take a pew

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Jun, 2020 04:41 PM

In these unprecedented times the Children’s Society, like many other charities, has been forced to take its work and campaigning online.

As part of this, the Children’s Society is inviting senior church figures to "Take a pew" and speak out on behalf of vulnerable children and young people, as well as offering support for the charity's work.

Among those invited to speak and pray is our own Bishop Andrew, who will be taking his "pew" later in the summer.

This week it is the Bishop of Portsmouth, the Rt Revd Christopher Foster, and you can listen to his contribution here,< as well as previous recordings.

Gill Ford, the Society's Relationship Manager for Salisbury and Bristol said:

"In these unprecedented times, the Children’s Society continues to work with the most vulnerable children and young people, many of whom are at increased risk of exploitation, abuse and poor mental health.

"Our frontline staff continue to support young people online and on the phone, and we continue to lobby government and campaign for change.

"We also hugely value our partnership with the Church of England and the support given to us by churches up and down the country."

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