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Home News Presidential Address at Diocesan Synod, November 2021

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Presidential Address at Diocesan Synod, November 2021

by ajack last modified 10 Nov, 2021 04:09 PM

COP 26, Celtic Spirituality, and the recent Salisbury train crash were all mentioned during Bishop Karen’s presidential address to Synod.

Bishop Karen opened by thanking everyone for their hard work in these uncertain times, mentioning St Marks church who opened their doors to the emergency services as a casualty centre for the victims of the train crash a week ago. 

Bishop Karen, reflecting on her experiences of Iona, proceeded to speak about the rhythm of our spiritual life and the need for us to recognise that we cannot do anything without God, we are dependent on Him and thats how its meant to be!  She spoke about the rhythm of wok, worship and witness and likened the modern-day Clergy study to the old Scriptorium.

...whilst I know most people here would like to see clergy out and about most of the time, you need to understand the reality today is that Gods work is also being done inside, in meetings, in dealing with emails and preparing services, in private study, putting together teaching materials and dealing with funeral directors, stonemasons and wedding preparation. These are also tasks of the parish priest, whose calling is to be prepared within and without.” 

She further commented that no gathering could be complete without a mention of COP26, 

... (the early Celtic church) had a seamless understanding that God who created all things was in all things and therefore Gods earth needed to be treated with reverence and respect...It has been good to see some of our clergy in Glasgow where other faith leaders also have been meeting to remind those there that we are talking about Gods earth, Gods planet and we all have a responsibility to care for that” 

However, Karen’s main challenge was that those who believed in the mission of the Celtic Christians to evangelise Britain supported it financially and practically.  In a Synod where the budget was the main item that was a challenge to us as a diocese.  Do we believe in the mission that God has given us to go into all the world and make disciples?  In Bishop Karen concluding statement, she said 

So my challenge to you, from this little foray into Celtic Spirituality and at the beginning of this Synod; lets enjoy the rhythms of life which God has set before us, lets together work, worship and witness, lets collaborate and contemplate and be committed to treading gently on Gods earth and let us be committed through our giving and our going in mission to the people of this diocese” 

Read the full address here


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