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Sweetness meets needs

by Michael Ford last modified 04 Dec, 2020 11:14 PM

All Saints CE Academy in Weymouth has seen pupils go the extra mile to help children in need.

Sweetness meets needs

Photo courtesy Pxfuel

The school has sent us this report...

‘Twas the week before Children in Need and 3 determined Year 8 girls were chatting in the dining hall.

"We need to do something for Children in Need," one said.

"We think we have it bad this year with Covid, but imagine if you had no home or you didn’t have enough to eat," said the second.

"Also, we need some fun!" decided the third.

And so they pestered the Principal via email with their fundraising ideas until he agreed to meet with them. But what fun, fundraising ideas could be done in a national lockdown?

The girls, of course, had the solution - chocolate and sweets!

They worked tirelessly over the weekend, preparing beautifully-wrapped chocolate gifts for a raffle and a huge guess-the-sweets in a jar.

Their generosity inspired the Principal and he agreed to hold a non-school uniform day as well.

The day of Children in Need arrived. The girls set up their fundraising stall - masks on, of course - and Years 7, 8 and 9 came in their bubbles and queued at break time and lunchtime to spend their lunch money on tickets and guesses.

Even Pudsey bought a ticket!

They sold £66 of tickets at 20p each, and one girl said:

"Our hands hurt from writing names out, but it was so worth it knowing how much money I was raising for a good cause."

At the end of the day, the school had raised £609.45. The girls were rightly proud, saying:

"We can’t wait until next year when we’ll be doing a whole school PE session inspired by Joe Wickes!"

If anyone can do it, these girls can!

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