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Home News Sunrise Service gets teenagers out of bed

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Sunrise Service gets teenagers out of bed

by Michael Ford last modified 09 May, 2019 11:11 AM

Parents who struggle to get their teenagers out of bed in the morning may be shocked to hear that the Youth Group of the Minster Church of St Denys, Warminster have no problems getting them up at dawn for their annual sunrise service.

Five youngsters and nine adults braved rain, wind and even sleet to climb Cley Hill for their annual 5am Holy Communuion Service last Saturday.

Tim Spinney, who helps organise the Group at the Minister said:

"Well we did it again! About half the people taking part, and particularly one young lad, had done this every year since this service started 6 years ago!

"The service is a straight forward said Communion, but despite how we started in miserable conditions, yet again, for the Intercessions and the Peace, the clouds parted allowing us to be bathed in the light of a very bright red sun. It is uncanny how this has happened before as well.

"We were also very grateful to our Rector, Jacques Desrosiers, climbing up the hill and officiating again at this service.

St Deny, Warminster is part of the Cley Hill Churches, a benefice of two parishes made up of seven churches situated close to the ancient Hill Fort of Cley Hill and the town of Warminster in West Wiltshire.

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