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Home News Sudan's debts to be cleared

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Sudan's debts to be cleared

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Apr, 2021 12:41 AM

Sudan has now fulfilled all conditions for its huge historic external debt to be cleared, so that the country can access World Bank grants and low-interest loans.

Sudan's debts to be cleared

Original image courtesy Pixabay

The Revd Jane Shaw says:

"This has not been without cost, as the floating of the Sudan pound has led to price rises and hardship for the poor.

"There has been more fighting on the Sudan/ Ethiopia border at Gadaref, where the ownership of some land along the border is disputed. And no resolution in the dispute over the filling of the Ethiopian dam.

"South Sudan received the first batch of vaccines: 132,000 doses of the Astra Zeneca vaccine, provided under the COVAX facility, have been delivered to South Sudan; they expect 732,000 doses by the end of June. First priority recipients will be health workers and the over-65's. Yesterday's official launch at State House was postponed, apparently for logistical reasons.

"The latest Covid figures for South Sudan are: 10,119 cases (9594 recovered) and 108 deaths. For Sudan, 29,661 cases reported (23,990 recovered) and 2,028 deaths.

"Various voices in South Sudan, including the SPLM party, the Jieng Council of Elders and the army are urging President Kiir to "manage his political exit from power" (ie step down), warning otherwise of a "chaotic transition". The National Security Service has been accused by a Dublin-based NGO (Front Line Defenders) of intimidating and harassing human rights activists, many of whom have fled the country... but some are being targeted even in Kenya and Uganda.

"The EU has imposed sanctions on an army general, accusing him of the abduction and execution of 3 opposition army officers, which led to further deaths and civilian displacement especially in the Kajo-Keji area. Further cattle raids are reported from Lakes State,, Unity State, and Eastern Equatoria. And "unknown gunmen" attacked a cantonment of the opposition army, killed 5 and burned down the cantonment, also in Eastern Equatoria.

"More uncertainty for refugees: The Kenyan government has ordered UNHCR to close 2 refugee camps, at Dadaab and Kakuma, within 14 days - allegedly because some refugees in Dadaab are linked with Al Shabab in Somalia. Dadaab houses 210,000 refugees including at least 500 South Sudanese; Kakuma houses 194,000 of whom at least 100,000 are South Sudanese.

"Signs of hope: Save The Children Fund has distributed 1.12 million textbooks to school leaders - they will benefit school children in Eastern Equatoria, Lakes, Jonglei, Upper Nile, Unity and Warrap States.
20 women have completed a three-month tailoring course in Yambio and been given tailoring machines - they have promised to pass on their new skills to others.

"A 2-day peace conference for women in Aweil, including 100 women from across Northern Bahr-el-Ghazal, has ended with calls for stronger representation of women in government posts, at all levels, and for improved services.

"River dykes along the Nile are being repaired in Jonglei state to prevent further flooding, as the water levels are rising again."

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