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Home News Sudans Day 2019

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Sudans Day 2019

by Michael Ford last modified 03 Sep, 2019 04:02 PM

The Salisbury-Sudans Partnership Link is holding its annual conference next month.

The Sudans Day is being held at Shaftesbury School on Saturday 5 October, 9.30am – 4pm.

The event is open to anyone interested in finding out more about the Diocese’s work in Sudan and South Sudan.

Speakers planned include the Revd Stephen Dinsmore, Director of SOMA (Sharing Of Ministries Abroad), who will talk about a visit to the Church in Sudan; Dr Eeva John, Chair of the UK Support Group of the newly-launched Episcopal University in South Sudan; and members of the Link between Poole Deanery and Wau Diocese in South Sudan.

There will be updates on the Education, Medical and Advocacy work of the Sudans Committee, and contributions from representatives of Christian Aid and the CRESS charity (Christian Relief and Education for South Sudan). Various charities associated with the Sudans will also have stalls at the event.

The cost is £8 per person (£6 for unwaged or where three or more people are sharing one car). Tea and coffee will be provided, but delegates are asked to bring their own picnic lunch. For further information and booking, contact or phone 01963 23726.

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