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Stumbling and Skipping Towards Faith

by Michael Ford last modified 24 Jul, 2021 02:07 AM

Frances Jobling, a parishioner in the Beaminster Team Ministry and a retired psychologist in the NHS has written a booklet called ‘Stumbling and Skipping Towards Faith’, with the subtitle ‘Some fresh thoughts on old questions’.

Stumbling and Skipping Towards Faith

Photo by Jeff Gynane, courtesy

The Very Revd David Shearlock, Dean Emeritus of Truro, writes:

One reviewer has well described it as "thoughtful, interesting and original", and that it certainly is. She has clearly given a lot of thought to what has been going on in her own life’s journey, trying to relate that to what the Church teaches about the God who has revealed himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the ‘divine lover’ as she calls him.

There is no attempt to harness posh theological words and phrases, but rather a language that will appeal to a wide variety of readers. One of the things which appeals specially to me is the author’s honesty and frankness about her faith, as for instance in her description of it as a lacy shawl with lots of holes, rather than a thick chunky cowl.

There are chapters with intriguing titles such as 'Sin and self loathing', 'Our will or God’s', 'The idea of surrender', 'The divine lover who stands at the door and knocks', and 'On giving our troubles to God'.

Above all, this is a book with its feet firmly placed on the ground, but with its eyes firmly fixed on the reality of heavenly things. It will challenge those who are already practising Christians and encourage those who aren’t there yet.

It is very reasonably priced at £5 and is obtainable by email at .

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