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Home News Study the Bible with Home for Good

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Study the Bible with Home for Good

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Feb, 2022 04:34 PM

Home for Good, a movement that speaks up and steps up for the needs of vulnerable children, have released a new four-week Bible study which covers topics of justice, radical hospitality, family and church. This comprehensive resource is available for free.

"Make Room: A new four-session Bible study resource from Home for Good.

Enlarge the site of your tent [to make room for more children]; stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, do not spare them; lengthen your tent ropes and make your pegs (stakes) firm [in the ground]. Isaiah 54:2 AMP 

"Many individuals, families and churches have been inspired by these words in Isaiah 54:2 and prompted to explore how we, the Church, can ‘make room’ for vulnerable children and young people in our spaces, our communities and our lives. Home for Good believe passionately that each one of us has a part to play, so we are delighted to launch Make Room, a new four-session Bible study resource created for individuals, small groups or whole churches who want to explore what their part could be. 

"Make Room is a study for anyone, anywhere, who would like to dig a bit deeper into what the Bible has to say about the heart of God and how that so closely connects to finding a home for every child who needs one. 

"Covering topics of Justice, Radical Hospitality, Family and Church, the resource consists of a leader guide, personal journal pages for each participant, a collection of short films containing teaching and real-life stories and a full online library of articles, stories, and other useful links. Sign up to this free resource at www.homeforgood/resource/make-room For more information please contact 

Together we can find a home for every child who needs one."

Home for Good also have their National Summit coming up in May.   An amazing lineup of speakers has been secured and the event will be both in person and live streamed to allow the greatest possible access. 

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