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Stop Mining Dirty Fuel

by Michael Ford last modified 26 Mar, 2019 04:28 PM

Wimborne Church climate campaigners have met local bankers to call on their bosses to stop fossil fuel mining.

The campaigners, who are members of Wimborne Christian Aid, met managers at HSBC in Poole to deliver a petition and a message to Chief Executive John Flint.

They pointed out that HSBC – in spite of its own policy to stop investing in fossil fuels – has made an exception, and currently funds coal mining in Vietnam, Indonesia and Bangladesh.

All three countries are low-lying and very vulnerable to rising sea levels and – ironically – they all have tremendous potential for renewables.

Spokesperson Mike Lunt said that the managers, Karen Wyatt and Leanne Reed, had welcomed them, listened to what they said and agreed to forward the letter and petition.

"We explained that we were visiting as part of Christian Aid’s The Big Shift Campaign.

"It aims to get banks to invest in renewable energy in a bid to stop the global temperature rising above a 1.5 degree increase.

"HSBC has already pledged to invest US$100 billion dollars in green finance which we welcome.

"But we remain deeply concerned about the billions of dollars which HSBC continues to provide for the extraction and burning of fossil fossils globally – especially coal which is the dirtiest fuel of all.

"HSBC claims that 'Together we Thrive', but HSBC's continued investment in fossil fuels means that millions of people face a future in which it will be difficult to survive, never mind thrive," he added.

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