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Home News Stepping down after 46 years in lay ministry

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Stepping down after 46 years in lay ministry

by Michael Ford last modified 27 Nov, 2019 04:36 PM

After 46 years in lay ministry, one of the first women Readers in our Diocese is stepping down from ministry.

Stepping down after 46 years in lay ministry

The Central Readers' Council logo

Doreen White from Trowbridge served as a Reader, a Licensed Lay Minister (LLM) and as a Licenced Lay Minister with Permission to Officate in this Diocese.

Doreen was among the first women to become a Reader in our Diocese, after the Church of England agreed to admit women as Readers. The decision was taken 50 years ago.

Reflecting on her ministry, Doreen writes that in the early days she was more out than at home, helping regularly in 7 villages and occasionally in another 7, leading study groups, taking funerals, visiting and supporting people.

Bishop Karen says:

"We give thanks for Doreen’s ministry over the years, faithful service such as hers is the backbone of the local church, and we rejoice that such women as Doreen had the courage to step out, follow Christ’s call and become the early pioneers in whose footsteps many have trod since. I wish Doreen well and pray for her as she cares for her husband and is cared for by her family."

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