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Home News Step into Plastic Free July

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Step into Plastic Free July

by Michael Ford last modified 17 Jul, 2020 02:46 PM

Bishop Nicholas has said Plastic Free July is a "step in the right direction".

The organisers of the campaign are challenging people to try and go plastic free and give up as much single-use plastic as they can this month.

Welcoming the campaign, Bishop Nicholas said:

“Plastic has given us a lot but now it is part of an environmental catastrophe. In the drive for new ways of living sustainably and to care better for the wonderful creation God has given us, a plastic free July is both an education and a step in the right direction to get us to find good alternatives.”

Plastic Free July has provided resources and ideas to help you reduce your plastic waste everyday at home, work, school, and even at your local café.

The movement has inspired over 250 million participants in 177 countries.

You can read more about the campaign and sign up for the challenge here,

And read how Bishop Nicholas got on giving up single-use plastic during Lent in his Plastic-free Pilgrim blogs here.

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