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Stations of the Cross

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Apr, 2020 12:29 PM

Two Weymouth Licensed Lay Ministers have collaborated on a Holy Week resource that combines poetry and art around the Stations of the Cross.

Janet Hall and Alan McIntosh are both LLMs at Wyke Parish in Weymouth, which includes All Saints and St Edmund's Church. Janet is an artist and Alan writes poetry. They have previously collaborated with an Advent project in which the art and poetry interpreted each day of Advent with themes such as Despair and New Hope.

With the encouragement of their Rectors, the Revd Alistair Kay, Janet and Alan have now created art and poetry for each Station of the Cross.

Janet has reflected on the ecological aspects while Alan has followed the characters and emotive drama inherent in the Way to the Cross.

Janet and Alan are hoping that the Stations of the Cross project may be another reflective aid for Good Friday, especially in light of the Covid-19 crisis and the need to worship virtually.

You can download the Stations here.

Stations of the Cross- full length_

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