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St Mary's Grass Labyrinth

by Michael Ford last modified 15 Jun, 2022 06:53 PM

St Mary's Bridport, Dorset now has its own labyrinth, specially installed as a space for prayer and meditation. It has been recently constructed in the churchyard.

The idea of a prayer labyrinth, has been used throughout the ages to help people on their journey through life. 

Following the shorter grass, you walk  to the centre, focussing on leaving the past, any worries, fears, or regrets behind. When you’ve reached the middle, you can be still, with God or yourself in this peaceful place. The idea is that you then leave the centre, walking through the Labyrinth renewed, and go on with your journey. 

St Mary’s Churchyard, is a through path from one part of the town to the other. Jane and Tyrone Trower, from St Mary's, visited Norwich Cathedral recently and were inspired by their Labyrinth, and wondered if the church could do something similar.  

This visit chimed with conversations Jane, Tyrone, and the Revd Pete Stone had been having about using the churchyard more creatively: Jane has been leading an eco project in the churchyard, Tyrone cutting has been cutting the grass, and together the Eco Group has transformed the churchyard into a haven. Still, they wondered if there was more they could do with the space. 

In the midst of their wonderings, Pete, who leads the Bridport Community Hub (supported by the SDBE), conducted a wellbeing survey in the local schools, where it was found that there was a deep desire for safe spaces in the town and opportunities for children and parents to spend quality time together, as well as the ongoing hope of intergenerational harmony. 

Where then, could be better to start than with a prayer Labyrinth? The church now has a space where families and individuals can gather, and spend a short time, in peace, exploring a labyrinth that will surely bless those who walk it. 

For anyone interested in reading more about the history and current location of other labyrinths in the Southwest see 

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