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Give A Bug A Home

by ajack last modified 10 Nov, 2021 04:12 PM

Long before COP26, many of our churches were already winning Eco Church Status and often it is the little things that they have done as part of this work that can make a big impact in their communities.

Churches like St Mary Devizes, who have built a beautiful 'Bug Hotel', from natural & otherwise waste materials.  

They shared their bug house building success on Facebook: 

"A huge thank you! to all the children, Mums, Neighbours & Churchyard Volunteers who came along & helped out at our Bug Hotel 2 Event at St Mary's. 

You've built a beautiful, natural looking bug hotel, from natural & otherwise waste materials.  

The children were complete superstars & even wrote notes welcoming the bugs to their new home!! 

It was wonderful to see our historic & precious St Mary's Church being used again! 

What is your church doing to make a difference?  Let us know at, marking your email 'Eco Changes' -. and don’t forget to include a picture. 

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