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Home News St Bartholomew’s Church wins Bassett in Bloom

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St Bartholomew’s Church wins Bassett in Bloom

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Sep, 2019 06:44 PM

The churchyard and café garden of St Bartholomew and All Saints Church in Royal Wootton Bassett were recognised for their contribution to the beauty of the town earlier this month.

The Town Council awarded First Prize to the church café, known as The Croft, for its blossoming garden which is tended by local residents and volunteers. Once the local bakery, The Croft café next to the church is a gathering place for many different groups and open to the public for refreshments every day of the week. The attached garden offers a sun-trap for visitors to enjoy tea and home-made cakes on the lawn, surrounded by brightly-coloured border plants and fruit trees.

Members of the congregation recently teamed up with pupils and staff from Royal Wootton Bassett Senior Academy to tidy and beautify the open spaces around the church building. The team spent two days working together in the summer sun learning to use equipment for clearing overgrown areas and to conserve plant and wildlife for the benefit of the local eco-system. The churchyard, which was Highly Commended by the panel of judges, contains a significant wildflower area which attracts butterflies and other wildlife.

The Revd Ollie Blease said:

"Eco Church development is a central area of the St Bartholomew’s vision for ministry in the parish. In conserving the wildflower area alongside local school pupils, we hope to encourage the whole community in the care for creation to which God has called us.

"The up and coming generation are very aware of the need to conserve the resources of the world and in giving their time in this way demonstrated that team work and diligence in caring for our natural surrounds can make a real and lasting difference to our shared community life together."

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