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Spot the Signs and Take Action

by Michael Ford last modified 17 Jul, 2020 05:36 PM

The pandemic and the restrictions on our movements have not deterred those involved in modern day slavery.

Members of our Mothers' Union have joined forces with The Clewer Initiative to raise awareness.

Calling on all MU members in the Diocese to "take action today", Diocesan President Rosie Stiven said:

"Recently, both on the TV and in the newspapers, there have been many reports about those who were involved in the heinous slave trade of past centuries. There have been nationwide protests; people have expressed their anger and disgust at this crime against humanity.

"We have also been told about plans to eradicate the names of those associated with past slavery from our towns and cities. Statues have been defaced and some, either removed or toppled.

"However, sadly, we have heard little about the millions of victims who are caught up in Modern Day Slavery right now.

"There are over 40 million men, women and children of all races and creeds who today, are the victims of Modern Day Slavery in this country and world-wide. They cry out in pain and suffering but no one hears them. They are hidden away – they have no voice.

"As our beautiful Cathedral and churches begin to reopen, please can we all begin to raise awareness of Modern Day Slavery. This is an insidious and ever present evil in our society. Modern Day Slavery, in its many forms, is both a national and a global scourge.

"You can take action today. Please display this poster produced by the Clewer Initiative in our newly opened places of worship and help, not only to raise awareness of, but also to eradicate, Modern Day Slavery from our Diocese and from our world.

"I ask you to pray that all the energy and anger demonstrated against past slavery can be channelled and focussed into condemning and rooting out the slavery of today."

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