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Songs, Hymns and Hope

by Michael Ford last modified 15 Oct, 2018 09:42 AM

Song and hymn writers from across the south of England gathered at St Nicholas’ Corfe Mullen recently, to compare notes and learn from professionals.

Songs, Hymns and Hope

L-R: Noel Tredinnick, Joel Payne, Martin Leckebusch, with a screenshot of 'Hope for the world's despair'

Music in Worship Network Coordinator Heather Waldsax explains, “We had a day of learning and exploration with experienced practitioners and workshops on the hymns and songs written by participants.

“Noel Tredinnick, Director of Music at All Souls’ Langham Place, known to many through ‘Prom Praise’ demonstrated techniques for writing good tunes in his inimitable way.

“Songwriter Joel Payne demonstrated the makings of sing-able congregational songs and hymn writer Martin Leckebusch spoke about what makes a good hymn. Those present had the opportunity to critique one of Martin’s early efforts robustly!

“After an excellent ploughman’s lunch provided by members of St Nicholas’ Church, participants chose from workshops on music, songs or hymn words. These were led by Noel, Joel and Martin respectively.

“We were introduced to the hymn that had won the Hymn of Peace competition commissioned by the Song and Hymn Writers’ Foundation, ‘Hope for the world’s despair’ written by Ally Barrett, which has an animation to go with it."

View the animation here

The feedback from the day was overwhelmingly positive.

“A really accessible and inspiring day brilliantly led by the three instructors.”

“Fantastic day, I was so encouraged and inspired. Thank you!”

“I learnt so much and can’t wait to start on more composition.”

“I will be looking out for the next workshop!”

‘Hope for the world’s despair’ can be found here

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