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Home News 'Something we really ought to do'

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'Something we really ought to do'

by Michael Ford last modified 22 Jan, 2021 09:25 PM

Bishop Nicholas says he is hoping that everyone who is able to be, will be vaccinated as “it is the best thing we can do for ourselves and for others”.

'Something we really ought to do'

Original photo by Ash Mills

The Bishop was speaking on BBC Radio Wiltshire the day after our Cathedral opened its doors to become a centre for Covid vaccinations.

Commenting on the decision to use the Cathedral as a vaccination centre, Bishop Nicholas said:

“Science and religion have always gone together in the search for truth. God is truth and the truth will set us free. What the Cathedral is doing was part of that and part of an ancient tradition. Medicine grew out of Christianity in the West and we are very proud of that.”

Asked by Sunday morning presenter Sue Kinnear if he thought Bishops had a moral duty to support the vaccination roll out, Bishop Nicholas said:

“Yes, I do!

“There are 3 moral obligations [for people having the vaccine], one is I have a moral obligation to myself. I actually don’t want to catch the virus, it won’t be good for me. Indeed it is life threatening.

“Another is, I have a moral obligation to my neighbour. I don’t want to pass it on, I particularly don’t want to put the NHS under pressure. Our hospitals are bursting at the moment and they are having such a hard time and we need to try to reduce the pressure on them and the vaccine will help us to do that.

“And then I think we have a moral obligation to the community in the way that every church is trying to care for their community through this pandemic by getting involved in things that will help to support the community through food banks, telephone trees or caring for the vulnerable.

“And what the Cathedral is doing is a really valuable piece of caring for the community and those who came to be vaccinated, who were the older members of our population and amongst the most vulnerable.”

The Bishop’s message to those who are worried about the vaccine was:

“People are going to make their own decisions and I recognise that, but I think most of us are going to say that when we are ill and seeking medical help, we are only too grateful for the doctor to advise us.

“The science behind this is really remarkable - the way the vaccine has been developed - and it is the best thing we can do for ourselves and for others and it is something we really ought to do.”

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