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Soirée for Sudan

by Michael Ford last modified 15 Oct, 2021 10:24 AM

Lord Cranborne is hosting an evening of wine, canapés and music on 8th September to support the Sudan Medical Link.

The Diocese of Salisbury has been linked to what is now South Sudan for many years. The Sudan Medical Link was established to provide medicines and medical supplies to the Episcopal Churches of South Sudan and to fund clinical training for suitably qualified Christian students.

Building on the well-established Salisbury Sudan Link, the two churches separated by distance and culture try to care for one another by sharing resources, experience and practical help.

South Sudan is one of the poorest countries in the world with poor access to health services and a limited number of health workers.

Babies sadly, often die during child birth and the maternal mortality rate in South Sudan is one of the highest in the world (2,054 per 100,000 live births). One in ten children dies before the age of five.

Preventable diseases such as malaria, diarrhoea and pneumonia are not always treated because of the lack of medicines.

The Sudan Medical Link Committee says:

"We want to give our huge thanks to Lord Cranborne for hosting such an exciting evening of wine, canapés and music to support the Sudan Medical Link."

The event is due to go ahead on Wednesday 8th September, 6.00-8.00pm, at Cranborne Manor. Tickets are to be purchased in advance at a cost of £20 per head.

Info, bookings and donations in lieu of attending are all available via the JustGiving page.

The Sudan Medical Link provides primary health care through local clinics. Current provision includes the following:

  • Distributing medicines and medical supplies three times a year
  • Providing primary healthcare kits as well as furnishing and equipping clinics
  • Identification and subsequent training of clinical officers, nurses, midwives and laboratory assistants to work in local communities

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