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Smashing The Pain Barrier

by glynch last modified 21 Jan, 2016 01:56 PM

Bishop Ed stays on the rowing machine for over 13 hours to raise money for fuel poor pensioners – but no world record

Smashing The Pain Barrier

Bishop Ed looking remarkably relaxed on Friday evening after 13 hours on a rowing machine

Update Bishop Ed's final total raised for Surviving Winter is a remarkable £5,750.

It was extraordinary achievement but no world record for Bishop Ed as he shattered the pain barrier in his indoor rowing quest to raise money for the Community Foundation for Wiltshire and Swindon’s Surviving Winter campaign.

“I achieved what was always main target – hitting my sponsorship target and raising awareness for the excellent Surviving Winter campaign. I’ve now raised over £5,000 for pensioners unable to heat their home due to poverty this winter, and more is still coming in.”

Bishop Ed stayed on the Concept II rowing machine in Places for People gym in Warminster for a remarkable 13¼ hours, covering the equivalent of 112 km or 70 miles – that’s like rowing the distance from Salisbury to Heathrow Airport in a day.

“I’ve been working towards this for months and there are so many people to thank. Firstly the people who donated. The staff at Places For People were just wonderful – so encouraging and helpful, especially in supplying banana buns when my energy levels were flagging. I really appreciated all the friends who popped into the gym and gave words of encouragement.

“I was wrecked by the end. I started swaying from side to side and almost literally fell off the machine, so I knew it was time to stop.

“I’ve run ten marathons but I’ve never felt as exhausted as I did on Friday night.”

“It was good experience but I’m not going to be doing it again it in a hurry.”

When asked if it had given him a new respect for the achievement for the achievements of M. Coupé who set a new world indoor rowing endurance record in a gym for 60-65 year old men in the Paris suburbs in September, an amazing 24 hours, Bishop Ed had just one word, “Chapeau!”

Each year the Surviving Winter campaign raises money to help older and vulnerable people stay warm and well in the UK’s coldest months. Since November 2011, more than £5.2 million has been raised to help over 70,000 people survive winter.

On average 300 Wiltshire people die each winter because of the cold. According to statistics over 30,000 Wiltshire households live in fuel poverty, spending more than 10% of their annual income on heating alone.

You can still donate online to Bishop Ed’s fundraising efforts online

Surviving Winter is organised by local Community Foundations across the UK, and donors are encouraged to support their local campaign.

In Wiltshire donate at

In Dorset donate at

In Hampshire donate at

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