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Sleep Out for the Homeless

by glynch last modified 21 Jan, 2016 07:02 PM

Local Christian charity calls on people to join chilly March sleepout in Cathedral Cloisters

Sleep Out for the Homeless

Photo (C) Alabaré.

Local Christian charity Alabaré will this year be celebrating the 10th anniversary of their annual Sleep Out at Salisbury Cathedral. To mark the occasion they are asking people to unbundle their sleeping bags, don their warmest clothes and take part in 2016’s BIG Sleep to help support the homeless and most vulnerable in our community.

On the 4 March, participants will be braving the cold and spending a night in the cloisters of Salisbury Cathedral to raise much needed funds for The Alabaré Place Drop In Centre in Salisbury. Find out more about the Drop In here.

Director of Income Generation at Alabaré, Martin Field says, “Every year we are humbled by people’s generosity and passion for this event and we really hope that in our 10th anniversary year, the people of Wiltshire will stand behind us and help make the Salisbury BIG Sleep our best yet.

“All the money raised from the Salisbury BIG Sleep will help support people using our Drop In Centre in the heart of Salisbury, Alabaré Place.  The centre provides a safe and welcoming day time shelter to people who are homeless, facing homelessness or are living in unsuitable or unstable accommodation.  They offer hot food and drink, showers, laundry facilities, a clothing bank and advice and guidance on a range of issues including housing, benefits and health.”

To sign up and make a difference visit or call Alex Oram on 07500 041 758

People can also pop in and see the Alabaré Fundraising Team to find out more and sign up for the Big Sleep on Tuesday 2 February outside the Guildhall, from 9.30am – 2.30pm, and on Saturday 6 February at The Old George Mall from 9.30am – 2.30pm.

Alabaré will also be hosting a number of satellite events in iconic locations across the South West of England and Wales including Gloucester Cathedral and the West Usk Light House in South Wales, in an effort to highlight the plight of homeless Veterans and raise money for their Homes for Veterans campaign.  For more information on other Big Sleep Events or to host your own, please visit or email

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