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Skydiving Grandmother

by ajack last modified 15 Dec, 2021 05:34 PM

Grandmother soars through the skies 15,000 ft high, raising over £760 for Literacy and Financial Education programme.

In October, grandmother, Dorothy McNeish, who is a member of Mothers Union at St James's Church, Trowbridge, took to the sky, raising over £760 for the Mothers’ Union Literacy and Financial Education programme.

The Mothers’ Union, a group who work with people of all faiths and none in 84 countries to promote stable marriage, family life and the protection of children, play a vital role in our Diocese, and the monies raised will go directly towards our mission of social justice and engaging with society and helping it change for the better.

The programme aims to stop inequality and give a holistic approach to empowering some of the most marginalised communities in the world.

Reflecting on the day, Dorothy said:

“It was perfect weather for skydiving with lots of sun and very little cloud or wind. On the way up to 15,000 ft (3 miles), we had wonderful views of Salisbury and the surrounding area.  

Being the last one on the aircraft I was the first out!  You hardly had time to think before you are free-falling for 60 seconds at approximately 125mph. After 1 minute the main parachute is opened, your speed reduced and you can then enjoy the wonderful panoramic views picking out well-known landmarks in Salisbury.

It was an amazing experience and I am so glad I did it. I was sponsored and raised money for St James Church Funds and £760 for the Mothers’ Union Literacy and Financial Education programme”

Well done Dorothy, you are an inspiration to us all!


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