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Skating into Christmas

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Dec, 2019 04:43 PM

There may be no snow forecast for Christmas this year in Dorset, but residents of Wimborne will still be able to ice skate outside, thanks to the Minster.

Outside on the Minster Green a temporary skate rink has been installed for 3 weeks, bringing extra ‘joy to the world’ of Wimborne, according to the Rector, Revd Canon Andrew Rowland:

"All the team of Wimborne Minster do their best to make the Minster central to civic life in the town.

“There are many diverse activities associated with us, from Pancake Races to Son et Lumière, and everything in between.

"When this year there was ‘no room at the inn’ for Santa who was visiting on the occasion of the Save the Children Parade, a grotto was hastily installed for the afternoon and many were welcomed into our St George’s Chapel for a different kind of ‘blessing’.

"And as well as the ice rink outside, inside the Minster has hosted many school and Civic Carol Services, helping all the faithful to come ye to our Bethlehem."

The rink is open daily from 11am to 7pm until 30th December. Tickets are available from No 9 On the Green (a bakery in Cook Row, adjacent to the Minster) at £5 for adults and £3 for children.

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